One Day

One day Red awoke to a cloudy overcast morning. As she rubbed her eyes blearily she realised she was incredibly hungry so she got up & made breakfast, adding a dash of pepper.
She gazed longingly at the paper cranes in the hallway & dreamt of faraway places…
She sighed & turned to her sewing machine to put in her full day’s work.
Suddenly she spotted a pair of glittery red Dorothy shoes, she gasped in delight & slipped her feet into them.
Before she knew it she had tapped her feet together & was standing by a bowl of juicy raspberries  she popped one into her mouth, snatched up the cute animal rucksack from the side, grabbed an umbrella & with love in her heart disappeared out through the door…
12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Friday Fashion…

So I have an obssession with stripes, and polka dots, & knee high socks and bobbed hair & rock chick tees…
and scarves and tights… these are a few of my favourite fashion finds… I love the casual indie thrown-together boho look but I also adore the retro put-together 40/50/60’s styles that you find… &
 right now I’m LOVING yellow!
(All pics via weheartit)