Sun(Mon)day Sweetness

(All pictures sourced from weheartit) I hope you’ve all had/are having a Happy Easter! To be honest I worked right through it but I did find the time to buy Mr J & a couple of friends their Easter eggs 🙂 Work has been pretty crazy, I racked up an impressive 72 hours over the last week! On the up side I found out that work is sending me to ITALY at the end of April… I’m soooooooo excited! I’ll be going to the beautiful Amalfi coast in Southern Italy, where the enigmatic Gennaro Contaldo is from, & I’ll be doing wine tasting & seeing how Grappa is made… it should be a fantastic few days.I still managed to find the time this Friday to head back home (to the teeny tiny town of Wellingborough where I grew up) for my best friends leaving do (as she is moving to beautiful Cornwall!) which was so much fun! One of my other closest friends was there & we had a fantastic night. We sang along to all the karaoke (didn’t actually do the karaoke ourselves, oh no, we are far too cool!) & danced. Actually danced. I don’t dance by the way. It was so much fun! Mr J & I also went out for dinner on Thursday night at Quod in Oxford & had absolutely amazing Steak & on Saturday night I went to a new wine bar, Bottega, with my friend Kath. I think I’ve had my social events for the month packed into the last few days! I’ll be a homebody now for the rest of the month 🙂
See previous Sunday Sweetness here