Before I’m 33 *Wish*List Explanations…

# Make a ‘perfect’ cupcake (click on pic for source)…. I’ve made fairy cakes before (fairy cake/cupcake they’re the same I think) but never one of those ‘oh-my-god-that-looks-so-amazing-i’m-not-sure-i-can-actually-eat-it-cupcakes. And I want too!
# Go to the Tate Modern… I’ve never been!
# Learn to drive… I think it’s about time! I’d love my own VW bug or an old mini 🙂
#Make a birthday cake… I made one once, but not very well. I want to make one this year & it will be great!
#Make jam… I’ve always wanted to do this. How hard can it be? How yummy will it be??!
#Go to Paris. Everybody has to go once…
#Bake a pie from scratch.. pastry & all… I once made a scrummy steak & Guiness pie but I cheated and bought a packet of Shortcrust pastry mix. Hhhmmm I’ve got a few baking related ones on here haven’t I?!
#Fill an entire scrap/collage book… it probably will take me a year to do this 🙂

#Learn to knit… OK so this one was actually one of my New Years Resolutions for 2009 but I haven’t acheived it yet so I figured I’d put it on this list instead!

#Go blackberry picking… I love blackberries. & if I’m blackberry picking then it’ll be warming & sunny. Blackberry picking in the sunshine sounds kind of idyllic to me…
#Read 5 ‘classic’s…. any suggestions welcome!
#Get a sewing machine…. *dreams* I wish, I wish, I wish…
#A trip to the US… I’ll blog about this in a seperate post, I’m collecting weird & wonderful places to visit in the US & I really want to go with Mr J.
#Pretty china tea sets… Mr J would break them, that’s the main problem with this one! But maybe I could ‘have’ some as transitional items before they head off elsewhere…
#A polaroid camera… I used to have one but I have no idea where it ended up. I’d love to replace it anyway!
#New glasses… I’ve had mine a couple of years now & the prescription needs updating.
#New laptop… mine is almost dead. I need to use it for work too so it’s going to need replacing 😦
#A good camera… cuz i’m just using the camera on my phone, which isn’t too bad, but….
So that’s my wishlist so far…